Hey, you probably wonder who I am, while I wonder why you haven't subscribed just yet. Let's meet each other halfway, waddayasay?

I am a programmer by trade, though I have stopped introducing myself as such, because I fight claw and tooth to make myself independent of the job that originally made me independent.

Nothing wrong with a programming career, especially now that I'm in the middle of it - I just feel like it's dangerous to rely too much on any one good thing.

Also, it's so much fun to build and tinker, repair and help out with whatever real life work my friends or I could face.

The other week, a friend's daughter messaged me to ask if I had a bandsaw, and somehow that mattered more to me than the recent promotions and job upgrade. It's weirdly fun to be the tool guy in someone's peripheral vision, simply because other people come up with fun projects you wouldn't think of yourself.

Whenever I'm left to my own creativity, I make scrap metal art, or build things - and I try selling it on local flea markets or etsy for the odd dollar here and there.

“Anything up ahead, Kyle?”

“I spy a giant subscribe button, captain!”

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Programmer by day, creative writer by night. I write about my life and freedom through coding. Join for curiosity, stay for the odd and quirky stories I tell.


Programmer by day, creative writer by night.